February Painting Update

More screaming barbarians!
Lots more progress in February and if anything I’ve managed to increase my pace! At this point all the miniatures from the A Song of Ice and Fire Kickstarter have been painted1.
Far more impressive though is the fact that that I have already managed to paint a whooping 50 Britons so far. With the ten I managed to complete at the tail end of January, I’m now 75% through the Britons. Only twenty more remain for March, alongside Anna & Elsa from Frozen and 9 ships.
As February has progressed so well, I’ve begun putting together a Phase 2, as well as adding another project to the backlog that I’ve been working on for a long time and might now actually get some painting done on2! There’s still plenty in the Pile of Shame, but at least now it seems to be getting smaller by the day and I plan to use the inspiration to get through as much of it as possible before I buy anything else.