No More Games (of Thrones)

I have done it!?
Finishing off with the guy who, in the series, started it all. With Petyr Baelish, I’ve painted the last of all the miniatures I had from the ASOIAF Kickstarter. Looking back at the start of this series, it’s been almost four years in which I’ve been painting my haul. I did of course paint other things in between, so while I’m a slow painter, I’m not that slow!
I remember how daunting the project seemed at the beginning, I’ve become a much better painter through this time and as a result also a lot quicker in finishing miniatures. This year alone, I’ve absolutely torn through my backlog. I’m hoping that I can keep up this pace for future projects. I have learned a ton about layering, painting faces and basing materials, which will be very useful going forward.
With this series complete, what’s next? I have a few things in mind but top of the list at the moment is 6mm sci-fi tanks1. Followed closely by an undead Oathmark army. But till I’ve figured that out, I still have three battalions of Prussian Reserves to finish plus a few bits and bobs. There’s also still a whole bunch of Lord of the Rings miniatures I have to paint2. I’ll post whenever I decide what the next big series is going to be, but things are going to be a bit more eclectic for a little while3.
I’m looking at you Brigade Models ↩︎
These are verging on 20 years old and unpainted ↩︎
Samurai, Crusader Knights, dwarves and assorted fantasy minis w9ll make an appearance. ↩︎