
Capturing Restic Stats

Backup a sec A while back I wrote a post about restic, which is a great backup solution for incremental, encrypted backups. I played around with it for a bit, created an Ansible playbook to install it on my machines and made it simple to use by only having to add an entry to a file. Since then I’ve not used it again1. Like most backup solutions, it just sort of sat there and didn’t do much.

Backup as a Service Using Restic

Making backups of your work is one of those things that we all know we should do, but get lazy about actually setting up1. Things are easier these days, particularly on Windows, where you can have your Documents folder automatically backed up to the cloud. You can also install GoogleDrive, DropBox, NextCloud as drives in Windows and have them sync automatically as well. When it comes to backing up configuration data on my Linux servers, things are a bit more complicated for me.